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12 Essential Sales and Service Skills

Success at work and in life is easier when the goals for each complement one another. So essential sales and service behaviours are effective life skills too.

12 Essential Sales and Service Skills

Published on:

5 Nov 2020

Success at work and in life is easier when the goals for each complement one another. So essential sales and service behaviours are effective life skills too.

We’ve analysed over 250,000 incoming sales and service call conversations and from that we’ve defined the following twelve essential sales and service behaviours for the best sales and service outcomes.

A behaviour is defined as:

“How one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.”

Those actions flow from the thoughts we have, which in turn flow from our feelings and emotions. So feeling motivated, unsurprisingly, is essential for maximising your sales and service productivity.

12 essential sales and service skills to drive sales, revenue and life itself


Behaving in a polite or friendly way to a guest or new arrival. Whether it’s the first contact, second or third, how we greet somebody will define how well the rest of the engagement goes.

Welcoming guests and newcomers with genuine warmth lays the foundation for a positive and fruitful interaction. The act of welcoming extends beyond mere greetings; it encompasses creating an atmosphere of hospitality and inclusivity. A welcoming demeanor communicates to customers that they are valued and respected, setting the stage for building trust and rapport.

Whether it's a first encounter or a repeat visit, the way we welcome individuals can profoundly influence their perception of our business and their willingness to engage further. By embodying warmth and hospitality, we not only enhance the customer experience but also foster long-lasting relationships that drive sales and revenue growth.


Charming, attractive or pleasing. After the initial contact, the opening conversation is important for the customer to feel that they are speaking with someone who cares about them.

The art of engagement is about more than just capturing attention; it's about forging genuine connections that resonate with customers on a deeper level. By being charming, attentive, and genuinely interested in their needs, we can create a memorable experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Engaging conversations should go beyond surface-level pleasantries to delve into the customer's interests, preferences, and concerns. This level of attentiveness not only makes customers feel valued but also enables us to tailor our offerings to better meet their needs.

Moreover, engaging interactions have the power to evoke positive emotions, fostering a sense of loyalty and trust that can translate into repeat business and referrals.


Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully. Whilst you might be engaging is it backed up with the technical and organisational knowledge needed to help the other side.

Competence is the bedrock of effective service delivery, encompassing the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to fulfill customer needs and expectations.

Being competent means more than just possessing technical know-how; it requires a deep understanding of the products or services being offered, as well as the ability to navigate complex situations with ease. Customers rely on us to provide accurate information, offer solutions to their problems, and deliver on our promises.

Therefore, investing in ongoing training and development is essential to staying abreast of industry trends and maintaining a high level of competence. By demonstrating our expertise and competence, we instill confidence in customers, reassuring them that they are in capable hands.

This, in turn, fosters trust and credibility, paving the way for long-term relationships and sustained success.


To give one’s attention to a sound. Are you practising active listening skills? Acting on what the caller is saying to you, not just listening for what is important to you.

Listening is not merely hearing; it's about truly understanding the spoken and unspoken needs of our customers. Active listening involves giving undivided attention, empathising with their concerns, and responding thoughtfully. By practicing active listening, we demonstrate that we value their input and are committed to finding solutions that meet their unique needs.

Moreover, effective listening can uncover valuable insights that inform product improvements and service enhancements, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. In a world filled with noise and distractions, the ability to listen attentively is a rare and invaluable skill that sets us apart as trusted advisors and partners in our customers' success.


Giving or ready to give help. Being helpful involves understanding the other person’s emotional needs and providing support and actions to meet those needs.

Being helpful goes beyond simply providing assistance; it's about going the extra mile to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our customers. Whether it's offering guidance, troubleshooting issues, or providing emotional support, being helpful requires a genuine desire to serve others.

By understanding their pain points and proactively addressing their needs, we can build strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Moreover, acts of kindness and generosity have a ripple effect, inspiring loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

In today's competitive marketplace, being helpful is not just a nicety; it's a strategic advantage that drives customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, business growth.


Reacting quickly and positively. How responsive you are is perhaps the biggest driver of service quality, business culture and customer loyalty.

Responsiveness is the cornerstone of excellent customer service, demonstrating our commitment to addressing customer needs promptly and effectively. In a fast-paced world where time is of the essence, being responsive can make all the difference in retaining customers and winning their loyalty.

Whether it's answering inquiries, resolving complaints, or providing updates, responding quickly and courteously shows that we value their time and prioritise their concerns.

Moreover, responsiveness fosters a sense of trust and reliability, reassuring customers that they can count on us to deliver when it matters most. By making responsiveness a priority, we can set ourselves apart as a trusted partner who is always there to support our customers, rain or shine.


Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Customers contact you because they have a problem they hope your product or services will help them solve. How well can you recognise and show this?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, allowing us to connect with customers on a deeper, more meaningful level. By putting ourselves in their shoes, we can better understand their perspectives, anticipate their needs, and provide personalized solutions.

Moreover, empathy fosters trust and rapport, as customers appreciate being heard and understood. In today's hyper-connected world, where interactions can often feel transactional, empathy humanizes the customer experience, making it more authentic and memorable.

By cultivating empathy in our interactions, we can build strong, lasting relationships that drive customer loyalty and advocacy.


Eager to know or learn something. Asking questions, and using questioning techniques such as open and closed questions will help you understand what is really important to your customers.

Curiosity is the fuel that drives innovation and growth, pushing us to explore new ideas, ask probing questions, and seek out fresh perspectives. By cultivating a curious mindset, we can uncover hidden opportunities, identify emerging trends, and anticipate future needs.

Moreover, curiosity fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement, as we strive to expand our knowledge and stay ahead of the curve. In today's rapidly evolving marketplace, where change is the only constant, curiosity is a powerful asset that empowers us to adapt and thrive.

By embracing curiosity in our work, we can unlock new possibilities and create value for our customers, our businesses, and ourselves.


Having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people. It’s basic, but sometimes when we get busy or stressed, this can be forgotten.

Politeness is the cornerstone of respectful and considerate communication, setting the tone for positive interactions and productive relationships. By treating others with courtesy and civility, we demonstrate our commitment to professionalism and mutual respect.

Moreover, politeness fosters a sense of trust and goodwill, as customers appreciate being treated with kindness and dignity. In today's interconnected world, where reputation and relationships are paramount, politeness is a non-negotiable aspect of effective communication.

By embodying politeness in our interactions, we can build strong, lasting relationships that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Constructive, optimistic, or confident. Being positive helps to frame the problem and solution in a way that invites creative thinking to find the best way forward and outcome.

Positivity is a powerful force that shapes our outlook, influences our interactions, and drives our success. By maintaining a constructive and optimistic attitude, we can inspire confidence, overcome obstacles, and foster resilience in the face of challenges.

Moreover, positivity is contagious, spreading enthusiasm and energy to those around us. In today's fast-paced and uncertain world, where negativity can easily take hold, positivity is a valuable asset that sets us apart as leaders and innovators.

By cultivating positivity in our work and our relationships, we can create a ripple effect of optimism and possibility that propels us toward our goals and aspirations.


Pleased and relieved. An attitude of gratitude. Showing your appreciation in being asked to help your customer goes a long way in building trust and respect.

Gratitude is the cornerstone of meaningful relationships, fostering appreciation and goodwill among customers, colleagues, and partners. By expressing genuine gratitude for the opportunities we have been given, the support we have received, and the successes we have achieved, we can cultivate a culture of appreciation and abundance.

Moreover, gratitude has a transformative effect, shifting our focus from scarcity to abundance, from fear to trust. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, where success can often feel fleeting, gratitude is a powerful antidote to stress and uncertainty.

By practicing gratitude in our daily lives, we can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and contentment that transcends material wealth and external validation.


Producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities. Being able to effectively manage your time and task prioritisation allows you to do more in a given period of time and so generate more sales.

Productivity is the key to unlocking our full potential and achieving our goals, allowing us to maximize our time and resources to achieve meaningful results. By adopting effective time management strategies, setting clear priorities, and eliminating distractions, we can increase our efficiency and effectiveness in both our personal and professional lives.

Moreover, productivity breeds confidence and momentum, empowering us to take on new challenges and pursue ambitious goals. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, where success often hinges on our ability to do more with less, productivity is a critical skill that can set us apart from the competition.

By prioritising productivity in our work and our lives, we can unlock new levels of success and fulfillment, achieving our dreams and aspirations with clarity and purpose.

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